The Equality Act (2010) makes it unlawful to discriminate against individuals on the basis of the following ‘protected characteristics’, as defined in the Act: age, gender (including gender reassignment), disability, race, ethnicity, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, pregnancy & maternity, marriage & civil partnership.
It is also a fundamental principle that all adults have the right to be protected from abuse or neglect.
This right is underpinned by the duty placed on public agencies under the Human Rights Act (1998) to intervene proportionately to protect the rights of citizens.
Equality of opportunity means that all adults have the opportunity to receive the same care and safeguards in relation to abuse or neglect regardless of being/having any of the protected characteristics listed above.
Therefore, the safeguarding process should aim to take into account each adult’s unique individuality and avoid discrimination on the basis of the protected characteristics listed above.