Section 1
1.2 Aims and Policy Context:
1.2.1 Aims and Key Principles
1.2.2 Legal Framework
1.3 Key Considerations
1.3.1 Consent
1.3.2 Mental Capacity
1.3.3 Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
1.3.4 Making Safeguarding Personal
1.3.5 Advocacy
1.3.6 Use of Interpreters, Signers or Others with Communication Skills
1.5 Perpetrators of Abuse or Neglect
1.5.1 Abuse by another Adult at Risk
1.5.2 Abuse by Children
1.5.3 Carers and Safeguarding
1.5.4 Staff, Care Workers and Managers
1.5.5 Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA)
1.5.6 Potentially Dangerous Persons (PDP) Process
1.5.7 Multi-Agency Tasking and Coordination (MATAC) Process
1.6.1 Adults whose Circumstances make them At Risk of Abuse or Neglect
1.6.2 The Public
1.6.3 Transitions
1.7 Roles and Responsibilities
1.7.1 Role of the Responsible Person/Safeguarding Lead
1.7.2 Role of SSAB Members
1.7.3 Role of Multi-Agency Staff
1.7.4 Safeguarding Adults and Commissioning Team
1.7.5 The Complaints and Feedback Team
1.7.6 Services and Settings
1.7.7 Voluntary Agencies
1.7.8 Role of the Public
1.7.9 Professional Accountability and Action
1.7.10 Human Resources
1.8 Safeguarding Adults Process Supporting Information
1.8.1 Information Sharing
1.8.2 Whistleblowing
1.8.3 Safeguarding Adults Complaints
1.8.4 Resolving Professional Differences
1.8.5 Individual Agency Guidance
1.8.6 Ensuring Equality of Opportunity
1.8.7 Training in Safeguarding Adults: Information for Staff
1.8.8 Involvement of Carers in the Safeguarding Adults Process
Section 2: Safeguarding Procedures relating to Adults at Risk
Section 3: Local Practice Guidance and Useful Information
3.1 Local Practice Guidance
Guidance for Professionals using the Portal to complete an online Safeguarding Adults Concern (SAC)
SSAB Safeguarding Adults Threshold Guidance Tool
SSAB Self-Neglect Guidance
Self-Neglect on a page
SSAB Modern Day Slavery & Trafficking Guidance
SSAB Professional Curiosity Guidance
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Guidance (North & South of Tyne Safeguarding Children & Adults)
Financial and Property Affairs (Safeguarding) Guidance
SSAB Individual Agency Guidance (Safeguarding Adults Policy template)
Adults involved in Sexual Activity to which they do not have Capacity to Consent
Domestic Abuse/Domestic Violence and Safeguarding Adults, including Forced Marriage
SSAB Information Sharing and Confidentiality Agreement
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
When one Service User Abuses Another
See also the following pages on the SSAB website for additional useful information and guidance: Key Documents and Learning Resources.
3.2 Useful Information
Section 4: National Legislation and Guidance
4.2 National Guidance: HM Government and Department of Health and Social Care